From January 2nd - January 10th, 28 college-age men will travel to Guadalajara Mexico on an adventure to build: To build a house and to rebuild the heart. Part mission, part retreat this trip will form men's hearts to give.

We will strive to reform our hearts according to the words of the King: “As often as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me.”


Part retreat, part mission trip, SJBC will take 28 college age men, a priest and a seminarian to work and pray, to build a house and to take time for a day of recollection in the beauty of the Tapalpa Mountains.

Each day, aside from our apostolic labors, we will also have a robust spiritual program for the missionaries: Mass, silent prayer, team spiritual formation and opportunities for spiritual direction with the chaplain. In a world of gain and of hurry, a time to give and to rest in silence will teach these men the virtues of charity and humility.

Key Trip Details

  • The trip is run directly by SJBC, for young men aged 18 - 25.
  • We will accept 28 men who meet the application and financial requirements.
  • Participants will start the trip on January 2nd in Guadalajara, and depart Guadalajara on January 10th. More travel details will be communicated upon acceptance to the program.
  • We will build a house in three days working alongside a local charitable organization.
  • One full day of the trip will be set aside for a hike and retreat in the beautiful Talpapa Mountains.

Financial Requirements

  • Our trip team will be responsible for raising approximately $50,000 for the building of the house and related costs.
  • Each trip participant will be required to fundraise a minimum of $1,805.00 to meet the overall goal.
  • 50% of anything raised beyond this goal can be used as a flight reimbursement up to the cost of the plane ticket to Guadalajara.
  • In case of insufficient fundraising each participant will be fully responsible for their share of the fundraising goal as well as their own airfare.

Daily Schedule

  • Traditional Latin Mass
  • Group spiritual direction and prayer
  • Silent personal prayer time
  • Manual labor and other works of mercy

Wait, Mission Trips?

St. John Bosco Camps is expanding the vision. For several years we have facilitated youth camps for boys in South Dakota, Wyoming and Pennsylvania.

But we want to facilitate this ministry beyond youth. We want to form men. And what better way to form Catholic men than to teach them to give in charity and humility.

We live in a world where men learn to take. Our mission is to teach them to give.

© 2024 St. John Bosco Camps, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.